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Monday 7 July 2014

Mystery Knit-A-Long #1

Mystery Knit-A-Long #1

7 July – 22 August 2014

You will need:

  • 1x skein Araucania “Botany Lace” Extra fine merino wool Col (A) 100g/410m Lace weight
  • 100g Dk weight contrast Col (B) Dk weight (preferably in a bright, clashing, contrast colour!)
  • 4mm straight knitting needles
  • 6x 2cm diameter buttons
  • Special stitches: yo = yarn over needle from front to back the number of times indicated

To begin: Cast on 52st in colour A.
Row 1: *[K1, P1] rep from * to end
Row 2: *[P1, K1] rep from * to end
These two rows form moss stitch. Continue in moss stitch for eight more rows.

Row 11: (RS): (Drop colour A and join in Colour B) Knit to end of row.
Row 12: (still in colour B): Knit to end of row. Cut yarn B.

Row13-20: (Lift up colour A) knit eight rows.

Row 21:  (Drop colour A and join in Colour B) Knit to end of row.
Row 22: (Still in colour B) Knit
Row 23: (Still in colour B) K8, [yo1, K1] three times, [yo2, K1] three times, [yo3, K1] three times, [yo2, K1] three times, [yo1, K1] three times, knit to end of row.
Row 24: (still in colour B): Knit to end, dropping all yarn overs as you go, being careful not to drop actual stitches.  Give a gentle tug downwards on the row below to even out the dropped stitches. (52st)
Row 25: (Drop colour B and lift up colour A, knit to end of row.
Rows 26: (Still in colour A) Knit
Row 27: (Drop colour A and lift up Colour B) knit to end of row.
Row 28: (Still in colour B) Knit
Row 29: (still in colour B) K3, [yo2, K1], [yo3, K1] twice, [yo2, K1] twice, yo1, K1, knit to end of row.
Row 30: (still in colour B): Knit to end, dropping all yarn overs as you go.  Cut yarn B.

Rows 31-38: (Lift up colour A) Knit eight rows.
Row 39: (RS): (Drop colour A and join in Colour B) Knit to end of row.
Row 40: (still in colour B): Knit to end of row. Cut yarn B.
Rows 41-48: (Lift up colour A) knit eight rows.

Rows 21-48 form the pattern.
Repeat rows 21-48 until work measures approx 75cm along straight edge, ending on Row 40 BUT DO NOT CUT YARN.

Next row: (still in Colour B) K6, *[yo2, k8] repeat from * to end.
Next row: (still in colour B): Knit to end, dropping all yarn overs as you go.  Cut yarn B. (Six button holes made.)
Next row:  Lift up colour A, knit four more rows.
Cast off. 

To finish: Attach 6 buttons onto the moss stitch cast on edge, centred to the corresponding buttons holes created.  Button up all or some of the buttons.  N.B. the “dropped stitch” ends are to be considered the bottom of the work. Sew in all the ends.

***I hope you enjoyed knitting along to this mystery pattern! Remember to secretly share your finished images to ninacouser@gmail.com. To avoid spoiling the mystery for others, please DO NOT PUBLISH IMAGES ANY IMAGES UNTIL AFTER THE END OF THE EVENT (after 22 August 2014). We're looking forward to seeing your beautiful work!
Until next time! 

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