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Tuesday 15 July 2014

How to knit bunting

Easy Knitted Bunting

foll following
k knit
st(s) stitches
g st garter stitch (knit all rows)
kf&b knit into the front and back of stitch

Begin: Using 4mm needles and double knitting (Dk) yarn, cast on 2 sts

*Knit 3 rows in garter stitch (knit all rows)
Next row and every foll 4th row: Kf&b into the first st, K to the last st, Kf&b*
Rep these 4 rows from * to * until 40 sts on the needle.
Knit 3 rows in garter stitch.
Cast off.
Sew in all ends neatly.

N.B. If you're helping us make reams of purple bunting for the Children Hospice 26 July 2014 - 10 August 2014, we thank you so much!
Please send your bunting to Lighthouse Yarns, c/o The Bank House, 12 Edward Road, Whitehead, BT38 9QB.  


  1. Thanks for posting this pattern, Nina! I'll tell people about it in library!
