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Friday 25 July 2014

How to customize your boyfriend's T-shirt

Take an big T-shirt, just make sure it has still plenty of life in it.  No point putting all the work into a pilled, faded number that's been washed too many times.  Charity shops are great for souvenir T-shirts, tees that have been brought back from holiday which no one wants to wear, Coca-Cola, Yellowstone Park, Mickey Mouse - who'd wear that?  So they hit the charity shops brand new and ready for you!

Neil's T-shirt has plenty of wear in it and is a gorgeous colour

Ready? Take your scissors and cut off those sleeves.  Just leave approx 1cm around the existing seam.  We're making a muscle T-shirt style here.

Sleeves are hacked off at speed - such fun to do!

I pinned some darts into position both front and back.  I  tacked the top side loosely so that I could remove the pins and then back-stitched the darts on the inside.

Darts are "pinches" of fabric which add shape to a flat piece of fabric

I turned the sleeve edging under and ran a line of back stitching all the way around approx half a centimetre from the edge.  The sleeves gaped quite a bit, so I stitched them shut a little and added two small decorative buttons to conceal the stitches.

Summery and unusual - to say the least!

I also added a button at the top edge of each shoulder.  The overall effect is a little crude for close inspection, but on the whole I like being able to wear my beau's old T-shirt.  I really like it on him, love the colour and I can't wait for him to come home to see what I did today!

I made a few changes to your T-shirt, honey. Hope you don't mind!

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