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Sunday 17 August 2014

Artist Review #3 Little Green Gypsy

This Artist Review is quite enigmatic. The artist herself requested complete anonymity for personal reasons. Because while she is keen to promote and sell her unique creations, she is also deeply private and prefers to keep her identity a secret.
However, I think it would be an absolute crime to keep her talents a secret! So with mild persuasion and the promise to purchase of one of her handbags (aw shucks), I was able to wheedle some more info from Little Green Gypsy to share with you. Prepare yourself for some surprisingly different answers here!
Tell us a bit about yourself I’m the Little Green Gypsy. My online shop is https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/LittleGreenGypsy The gypsy part comes from my Romany heritage, and the green part is because of my love of upcycling and reworking fabrics and findings. 

'Sherwood Forest'

How did you get started? I sat down one day and decided that I could no longer comfortably ignore the urge in me to express who I am and where I'm from. I've always had this gypsy heart, something inside me that doesn't fit into the constraints of what’s mainstream and normal. Also a yearning to express it in an external way. So I taught myself to sew so that I could make what I wanted and what was me. And then I noticed that I wasn't alone in what I loved and so it went from there.

'Grace' doily bag

How have your life experiences shaped your work?
Everywhere that I travelled to, and every person that I met, showed me new sensations, new colours, new beauty, new love, new spirit. So I gathered those memories and took them with me. 

'Free Mind' Bohemian bag
What pieces of your work are you particularly proud of?
That changes with every new piece that I make. So I love each piece for it’s own qualities.

'Indian Princess' evening bag
How do you handle criticism? 
I haven’t had much yet haha, but I hope to take it well and with a sense of gratitude. Everyone is different in their tastes, and what someone likes, another wouldn't look twice at. So I just do my best to make my pieces as professionally as I can, and then send them out there.

'Lady Jane' shabby chic bag

How do you stay inspired?
I have a million finished pieces in my mind. They practically won't let me sleep sometimes. How do I stay awake every night until 3am, now that would be a better question. Answer… It’s a love of what I do and a lot of coffee.

'Bohemian Queen' pompom silk bag

Which artists do you look up to? Kaffe Fassett and Bellydancers.



What are your hobbies?
I practise Sanskrit mantra http://goo.gl/pZXPqW. I'm always singing along to Kirtan while I'm sewing or making things. I like to think that the positive vibes and love seep into everything I make and do.
Do you experiment with other art forms? I'm a bit obsessed with interior design.
In what way do you use the internet for your craft? I sell solely through the internet from my online Etsy shop http://goo.gl/06WRBl, but who knows what will open up in the future.

What advice would you give anyone considering crafting full time? I wouldn't say that I am qualified to give advice on that. What I would say is that if your craft makes your heart sing and a whole day goes by in a flash when you are working on something, and you end the day with more energy in your veins than you started with…you are clearly filled with a passion for it. Follow your heart and the gods may bestow their bounty upon you. 

Garnet and amethyst gemstone mala beads
Where do you see your craft taking you in the future? Life has a funny way of being more extraordinary than you envision, so I let it lead me bit by bit…who knows?
Thank you, Little Green Gyspy for allowing us a bright glimpse into the everyday life of the enlightened artist. This has been a beautiful post to create and share. I love every single product you make and am in real danger of blowing every penny on your bags. I wish you every success in every aspect of the future. Namaste x
You can visit Little Green Gypsy's online shop to browse her complete range of products https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/LittleGreenGypsy

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