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Friday 22 August 2014

Mystery Knit-a-long #2

22 Aug-19 Sept 2014

You will need:
Main Col (A)150g Aran yarn
Contrast Col (B) 50g Aran yarn
4mm pair straight needles
8x large buttons

Special stitches: Crossed Stitch Rib
Tw2R: Knit into front of 2nd stitch, knit into front of first stitch, slip both stitches off the needle.

Notes: This item is made of four pieces: two Y pieces in Yarn A, and two Z pieces in Yarn B.

To begin Piece Y (make two): 
Using yarn A, cast on 60 sts.
Row 1 (RS): *K2, P2, rep from *to end
Row 2 (WS): *K2, P2 rep from *to end
These two rows form rib.  Work 4cm in rib, ending on WS.

Next row (RS): Knit to end of row
Next row (WS): Purl to end of row
These two rows form stocking stitch (st st).  Work 18cm in st st, ending on WS.

Cast on one stitch and continue working on these 61 sts as follows:
Next row (RS): P1, *Tw2R, P1, rep from * to end
Next row (WS): K1, *P2, K1, rep from * to end
These two rows form Crossed Stitch Rib.  Work 4cm Crossed Stitch Rib, ending on WS (61 sts).

Next row: K2tog, knit to end of row (60sts).
Next row: Purl.
Work 4cm in st st, ending on WS row.

Next Row (RS): *K2, P2, rep from *to end
Next Row (WS): *K2, P2 rep from *to end
These two rows form rib.  Work 8cm in rib, ending on WS row.
Work measures 38cm in total from cast on edge.
Cast off neatly in rib.

To begin Piece Z (make two):
Using Yarn B, cast on 12 sts.
Rows 1 (RS) and 2: *K1, P1, rep from * to end
Rows 3 and 4: *P1, K1, rep from * to end
These four rows form Irish Moss Stitch.  Continue in Irish Moss Stitch until Piece Z measures 62cm.
Cast off neatly in pattern.

To assemble (the exciting bit!):
Step 1: Take the two Y pieces with right sides facing out: With 8cm rib section at the top and using mattress stitch (for Mattress Stitch Tutorial visit http://goo.gl/2sKHpI), sew down the side, across the bottom (cast on edge) and up the other side. Alternatively if you don't wish to use Mattress Stitch, place two Y pieces wrong sides facing out and neatly top sew the pieces together, leaving top open.
Step 2: Working right side out, position one end of Piece Z vertically between Crossed Stitch Rib section and 8cm ribbed section of Piece Y, approx 4cm in from the edge.  Neatly top stitch Piece Z securely to Piece Y right up and across the top of Piece Y, taking care along the top side that the stitches aren't visible on the inside.
Attach the other end of Piece Z to the opposite side in the same way, taking care not to twist Piece Z. Piece Z will form an arc over the top of Piece Y.
Repeat on the reverse side of the item with the second Piece Z, taking care that Pieces Z are evenly positioned on both sides.
Step 3: Attach two buttons onto each end of Z Pieces, stitching completely through the fabric, starting close to the bottom edge of each Z Piece and leaving just a small gap between each button.

***I hope you enjoyed knitting along to this mystery pattern! Remember to secretly share your finished images to ninacouser@gmail.com. To avoid spoiling the mystery for others, please DO NOT PUBLISH IMAGES ANY IMAGES UNTIL AFTER THE END OF THE EVENT. We're looking forward to seeing your beautiful work!
Until next time!

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