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Thursday 20 April 2023

Life before Crochet

We were chatting last night about life before crochet as a profession, those days when you made things just for fun.

I had to go waaaaay back to when Mum and I would go to the wool shop, and buy ourselves some yarn and a new pattern. It was our pleasure to sit and knit together (Mum would always buy new knitting needles whether she needed them or not)!

We also embroidered together, and crocheted the edges of our creations, tea towels, linen hankies, tray cloths... If it stood still for five minutes, it was getting crocheted onto!

Later, when crochet took over as my full time job, we crocheted less together. Mum's eyesight isn't what it used to be, and she's lost her passion for crafting. (I worry that will happen to me some day too.)

Now and again though, I like to dig out my boxes of threads and lace. This was a lavender bag I made from a vintage coaster. I added the crochet trim, the chain and the beads. I must say, it's a bit lonely to embroider by oneself. My experience growing up meant that for me, sewing is preferably a past-time for ladies together, Jane Austen style.

My mum always says, "Nice things are nice things." It's true, isn't it? I'm very grateful for social media to helping us stay connected, from our living rooms to all the other places in the world where know we are all crafting away with the same heart.

Hope you have a lovely day, whatever you're making.

Nina x

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Thank you for your company - Nina x


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