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Sunday 3 May 2020

Fabric Stitch Dishcloth - FREE Easy pattern

This is so say Thank You! I've received so many thoughtful gifts, gestures and words of kindness recently that I felt it timely to release another free pattern for you to make for yourself.

It's one of the easiest washcloths or dishcloths you'll ever make, and you could easily scale it up to make a beautiful blanket or a shawl.  I've worked it so that you'll be going into spaces wherever possible to make it super quick and fun.  Suitable for beginners too.

Happy crocheting!


  • Approx 40g Double Knitting cotton
  • 4.5mm hook


  • dc (double crochet) = insert hook into indicated stitch and draw up a loop,  yarn over and draw through both loops
  • Tr (treble crochet) = yarn over, insert hook into indicated stitch and draw up a loop, yarn over and draw through the first two loops on the hook, yarn over and draw through the last two loops on the hook
  • dcBLO (double crochet worked into the Back Loop only) = insert hook into back loop only of indicated stitch and draw up a loop, yarn over and draw through both loops


  1. Pattern is written in UK terms
  2. Aim to work 1dc around the side edge of each dc row, and 2dc on the side edge of each Block row
  3. Take a moment to count spaces

Using 4.5mm hook, loosely ch39 (or a multiple of 3)

Row 1: 1dc in 2nd chain from hook, 1dc in each chain across, turn [38dc]

Row 2: Ch3 (counts as first tr), skip the first stitch of the row at the base of the chain and work 3tr into next stitch (Block made), *skip 2sts, 3tr all into next st; rep from * across, ending skip 2sts, 1tr in last st, turn [12 Blocks, 13 Spaces - See Note 3]

Row 3: Ch1 (does not count as st), 1dc into very first tr, 2dc into 2ch-space, *skip 3tr, 3dc in next space; rep from * across to last 4sts,  ending with: skip last 3tr, 2dc in last space (= small space just before turning chain), turn [38dc]

Repeat Rows 2 and 3 until 14 Block rows have been worked, ending on Row 3, TURN

Round 1 Top Edge: Ch1, 1dc into each stitch across, work 3dc in last st, now rotate work 90’ to work the side
Side Edge: work a row of dc evenly down side edge to corner (see Note 2), 3dc at corner,
Foundation edge: work 1dc into each st across to corner, 3dc at corner,
Side edge: work a row of dc evenly up side edge of work  to corner, ending with 2dc into same beginning stitch (to complete the corner), join with ss to first dc

Round 2: Ch1, 1dcBLO (see Special Stitches) into same place, 1dcBLO into each st around, working 3dcBLO into every corner st, join with a ss to first dc (through both loops).

Round 3: Ch1, (1dc, 3ch, 1dc) all into same place, *skip 2dc, (1dc, 3ch, 1dc) all into next stitch; rep from * around, skipping one stitch less before and after each corner (if necessary) to help ease your work around so that the work lies flat, join with ss to first dc.

Fasten off, sew in ends.

If you've enjoyed this pattern, you can find others available for instant download in my Etsy Shop Nancy Said.  
Click here to see more patterns


For more easy-to-read patterns and free Video Tutorials: 

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