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Monday 30 March 2020

Mystery Crochet-A-Long - Part 3 - FREE pattern

Welcome to Part 3 of my Mystery Crochet-a-Long!

Still with me?  I hope it's not going too fast or too slow for you.  Just take it at your own pace.  This pattern will be available here for you to follow for as long as you need it.  Ready, steady, let's go!

You can find Part 1 here and Part 2 here.

You will need either:
-  Approx 1000g+ ( = Blanket) lots of different colours of double knitting yarn, the more varied in colour the better
- OR 200-300g ( = Scarf) double knitting yarn in lots of different colours if possible
4mm, 4.5mm and 5mm hooks (or scale up or down a hook size if you're either very tight or very loose)

  1.  Pattern is written in UK terms
  2.  IMPORTANT: Change hook size as instructed to prevent distortion - it matters
  3.  Change colour at the end of every round.  Aim to avoid a set sequence and try not to repeat the same row in the same colour
  4.  To change colour: Cut previous colour and pull through to secure.  Join new colour up through the first stitch and chain the number instructed for the next row
  5. Work the chains on this row fairly loosely as they can be hard to find on the next row.
  6.  Stitch Multiple = 6+5 (add 1 for turning ch)
  7. For Video Tutorials check out my YouTube channel

  1. Keep track of your rows as you go.  You'll be glad you did!
  2. If your often find the first and last stitches hard to identify, place markers (or safety pins) in them as you go

SPECIAL STITCHES - For Video Tutorials check out my YouTube channel
    • 2trCl (2treble Cluster) = *yarn over hook, insert hook in indicated place and draw up a loop, yo and draw through two loops; rep from * once more, yo and draw through all three loops on the hook
    • 3trCl (3treble Cluster) = (yo, insert hook in indicated stitch/space and draw up a loop, yo and draw through two loops) 3 times, yo and draw through all four loops on the hook
    • ExtDc (extended double crochet) = insert hook into indicated stitch and draw up a loop, yarn over and draw through one loop, yarn over and draw through both loops
    • Dtr (double treble) = yarn over twice, insert hook into indicated stitch and draw up a loop, *yarn over and draw through two loops; repeat from * twice more
    • V-st = (1tr, 1ch, 1tr) all into indicated st

Row 14: Using 4.5mm hook - Ch1 (does not count as stitch), (1dc, 1tr) into very first st, skip next st, *(1dc, 1tr) into next st, skip next st; rep from * across, ending with 1dc into last st, change colour, turn

Row 15: Change to 4mm hook – Ch4 (counts as first dtr), 1dtr into next st (see Special Stitches), 1dtr into each st across, change colour, turn

Row 16: Ch1, 1dc into very first dtr, 1dc into each st across, ending with 1dc into top of turning chain [173dc (or 233dc)]

Row 17: Change to 4.5mm hook – Ch1 (does not count as a st), 1Extdc (see Special Stitches) into very first st, 1Extdc into each st across, change colour, turn

Row 18: Ch4 (counts as 1tr and 1ch), skip next st, 3tr-Cluster (see Special Stitches) into next st (=3rd st along), *ch1, skip next st, 3trCl in next st; rep from * across, ending with ch1, 1tr into last st, change colour, turn

Row 19: Ch1, 1dc into first tr, 1dc in next ch1-space, *skip next Cluster, 2dc in next ch1-space; rep from * across, ending 2dc in last space, 1dc into 3rd of beg-4ch, change colour, turn [173dc (or 233dc)]

Row 20: Ch1 (does not count as a stitch), 1dc into very first st and into each st across [173dc (or 233dc)], change colour (NB there is no picture of Row 20 but please make it!)

Sew in ends.

And there you have it, all the instructions for Part 3.  Well done! Keep going, one row at a time, sew in those ends and check you still have 173dc (or 233dc) every time you get the chance.
Pssst! If your edges are starting to look a little suspect, try not to worry.  I'll be giving you instructions on how to work a magic edging - within reason!

Happy crocheting!
N x

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