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Friday 3 October 2014

Artist Review #5 Misha's Country Workshop

A few years ago, Mum and I heard there was a new shop opened at the side of Iceland in Carrickfergus and so we wandered along a very quiet street, truly believing we were in the wrong place.  We found the shop we were after - a card shop, quite disappointing - and were just about to head home when we caught a pretty hand painted sign on the opposite side of the street which said "Misha's Country Workshop".  Mum and I both looked at each other and headed over to investigate.

Misha's Country Workshop is one of those little treasure troves you wish you'd found earlier, a little gem of a craft shop you want to tell everyone about and yet keep to yourself.  From the moment you step over the threshold, you know you're in the company of someone who does nothing but eat, breathe and sleep crafts.  Decoupage, embroidery, clay craft, upholstery, furniture restoration, jewellery, bunting, hand made toys, wall hangings, baskets...you name it, Misha makes it.

Mum and I obviously in awe when we walked in for we stopped talking.  Misha popped her head up from behind the counter with a cheerful hello in a charming accent and her smile broke down any barriers we had to completely approving of her and her gorgeous little shop.

I truly hope you take the journey to meet Misha and see her magical store.  It's a place you'll want to revisit again and again and again and you'll never come away empty handed.  I made a friend that day, a fellow soul mate in craft, and I know you'll feel the same way.

Hi Misha, tell us a wee bit about yourself
Hi, I'm Michaela Jureckova and my shop is called Misha's Country Workshop, 34 Lancasterian Street, Carrickfergus. My website is www.mishascountryworkshop.co.uk

How did you get started?
With £1000 cash and loads of ideas.

How have your life experiences shaped your work?
A lot, I made some craft all my life, but never thought I will turn my hobby to work.

What pieces of your work are you particularly proud of?
All of them!  I still think they are unique and original.

How do you handle criticism? 
I am certainly thinking about it and try to improve in weak points.

How do you stay inspired?
Life is my inspiration, I don't need to spy other crafters' work, I don't need to buy magazines I just look around and ideas are coming – so many that I would need another five pairs of hands!

Which artists do you look up to?

What are your hobbies?
My work is my big hobby.

Do you experiment with other art forms? 
Yes, I'm always trying something new.

In what way do you use the internet for your craft?
Mainly Facebook – just to show people latest pictures of my work and remind them about my shop.

What advice would you give anyone considering crafting full time?
Don’t do it unless you have somebody behind you who will support you in all ways (physically, mentally, financially)

Where do you see your craft taking you in the future?
Hoping to have still my little shop, gain thousands of regular customers and became very established business. That everybody will be saying, "Oh yes, go to Misha!  She can do it and it's something unique."
Hopefully with time and my hard work will also come a stable salary appropriate to this full time job.

Thanks for giving so much of yourself when you craft, Misha.  It really makes all the difference.  And thanks for being you!  You brighten up every little corner wherever you go.  We wish you every success and the time to express yourself!

You can visit Misha in person at Misha's Country Workshop, 34 Lancasterian Street, Carrickfergus.  And browse her beautiful collections on her website http://www.mishascountryworkshop.co.uk/
Telephone Misha 07933233155

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